Saturday, April 8, 2017

Your Money, Your Heart, and The Treasure

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:21

It is Pay Day again! Some are in that time of the year when Companies are reaping the harvest from last year's performance. Bonuses are given out to employees to let them share with the Company's success from all throughout last year.

It is that time that many are tested once again where truly his heart will be.

Whenever you receive your paycheck, what is the first thing that comes up to your mind?

Some may think of buying a new gadget or spending it on Fashion wear. Some may think of having a vacation somewhere far to get away momentarily from the noise of the city. Some may think of food and lots of food!

These may be legitimate needs for some, though some may object that these are just cravings.

But don't you feel that you have been forgetting something from the list above?

Who is the One who enables you to work so that you may earn such salary?
Who is that Person who strengthens you day in and day out so that you can earn a living?
Who made it possible for you to have that job in the first place?

Isn't that it is God, by the riches of His mercy and grace, who gave you that job, strengthens you day in and day out, and enables you to do your work?

Without God, you can do nothing.
And with God, you can do everything according to His will by His grace!

So why not give God back the glory by "bringing the full tithe into the storehouse (Church), that there may be food in God's house"?

Ask God to open your heart today so that you might see that Jesus Christ is the treasure that is far greater than the wealth this world can ever give you. Jesus offers forgiveness for those who repent from their sins and turn back to God. Jesus offers Himself as the Treasure your heart can ever have.

Seek Jesus Christ as you read His Word today, and may your offering be a pleasing sacrifice to Him as you make Christ your greatest Treasure.

 *Image comes from Google Image Search

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